Thursday, September 27, 2007 

Pharmacy Benefits - Proactive Rx Management

Healthcare control and transparency for employer groups is essential with the state of healthcare costs today. Proactive management of Pharmacy Benefits can significantly reduce overall healthcare costs. Prescription drug claims are non-catastrophic and serve as a profit center for insurance carriers, making Rx plans ideal for self-funding. Effectively removing profit and revenue streams typically drives:

  • 15% savings for existing self-funded groups
  • 35% savings on groups currently fully insured
  • 6-10% savings to overall plan performance when proactive management is added

As an ancillary product, the prescription drug benefit can be carved out of your health plan and be replaced with a more competitively priced plan. This will not only save money, but also improve the health of your employee population. Some advantages to a properly structured program include:

  • Manage and understand your prescription drug benefit, instead of simply paying premiums
  • Gain insight into your benefit through useful, comprehensive reporting and analysis
  • Benchmark your plan's performance vs. public, private, unions, non-profits and government groups
  • Identify areas of savings opportunity
  • Educate and inform your employees about how to best manage the drug plan, and their health

The best way to reduce long term health care costs is to use less health care, without restricting access or quality. Most Wellness and Disease Management programs are passive and reactive. However, an effective, proactive program will use Rx predictive modeling to identify risk before catastrophic medical claims occur.

An often overlooked opportunity to save on employee healthcare is within your Pharmacy Benefit Program. An effective program, utilizing proactive management, can allow significant savings. Unlock the potential hidden in your Healthcare program and you can:

  • Maximize your healthcare dollars by getting a clear understanding of vendor fees
  • Reduce the cost of your healthcare dramatically utilizing discounts and data
  • Retain good people with innovative programs
  • Increase your level of service that is measurable by the decreased work load of HR staff and satisfaction of employees

Find more information about Group Benefits and HR related issues at

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Positive Changes Achieved by Exercising Mind, Body & Spirit

My story explains the struggles I had as a 23-year-old single, divorced mom with three children, ages six, four, and one and then shows some practical ways I used to change my life and claim my personal power. Self-pity, anger, guilt, and self-hatred were my constant emotional companions. I was suffering physically, mentally and spiritually. In 1980, I made $80 a week, received sporadic child support payments of $300 a month and lived in fear that we would not survive. I was afraid of life and worried incessantly. I smoked, ate unhealthy foods, did not work out and spent endless hours watching television. My mind was constantly focusing on what everyone else in my life should be changing so I could be happy. Because I could not change anyone else, I thought I was a hopeless failure and could not do anything right.

Through the help of Alanon and counseling, I realized that I do have choices and I was the one that needed to change. I listened to my own self-talk. It was negative. I replaced my self-talk, "I am stupid" with "I am learning" and "I am worthless" to "I am good enough." One goal I had was to quit smoking. Studies were showing the negative effects of smoking and I did not like the fact that I was addicted to cigarettes. I had tried to quit smoking many times before. Success was realized when I used visualizations and affirmations to stop smoking. Affirmations are simple statements that you say to yourself, like "I can"..."I am good enough"..."I am successful." Saying affirmations works because your subconscious mind creates exactly what you tell it. However, I was gaining five pounds a month and being good at math realized if I continued, I would be sixty pounds heavier in a year. Determined not to return to smoking to eliminate the weight gain, I turned to affirmations and exercise.

When I started working out, my muscles ached and I wanted to quit because I was not seeing results fast enough. I would say the affirmations to help me get through the work out. Not only did my physical strength improve, so did my self-image and my attitude towards life. Focusing on the affirmations made the workout easier because I was thinking of positive things. Just as my body reaped the benefits of working out twenty-four hours later, so did my mind. I found throughout the day that I would be repeating the affirmations.

By combining exercise with affirmations helped me in many of my daily struggles. If I was in an uncomfortable situation, I started connecting to the uncomfortable feeling I had working out and the affirmations would come to mind. They helped me gain the self-confidence I needed to address my everyday fears and insecurities.

My spirit was becoming more at peace because my body and mind were working together as one. Positive energy was filling my being. Not only was I learning to accept and love myself, I had more energy to cope with being a single parent.

This simple technique of saying positive affirmations when walking, running, or lifting weights is a great way to increase self-esteem and learn to love the entire self, mind, body and spirit. I wanted to share this technique of exercising with affirmations so "Power of Positive Aerobics" was created. To learn about the exciting workout video that combines affirmations with aerobic movements, visit

Ellie Peterson
Creator of Power of Positive Aerobics Workout Video

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